ABRUPT DEMISE "The Pleasure To Kill And Grind" [LP, Black]2020 - Death Metal from Netherlands |
ABRUPTUM "De Profundis Mors Vas Cousumet" [12" MLP]2000 - Black, Dark Ambient/Noise from Sweden |
ABRUPTUM "Potestates Apocalypsis" [12" MLP]2011 - Black, Dark Ambient/Noise from Sweden |
ABSCESSION "Grave Offerings" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2015 - Death Metal from Sweden |
ACID "Acid" [CD]Thrash/Power Metal from Belgium
ACID "Engine Beast" [CD]Thrash/Power Metal from Belgium
AETERNUS "Philosopher" [CASSETTE]2023 - Black (early), Death (now) from Norway |
AETERNUS "Philosopher" [CD]2023 - Black (early), Death (now) from Norway |
ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Liber III: Codex Templarum" [CD]2018 - Blackened Heavy/Doom from Malta |
ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS "Sword Of Fierbois" [CD]2022 - Blackened Heavy/Doom from Malta |
ALBERT BELL'S SACRO SANCTUS / ARKHAM WITCH / NIGROMANTE "Compendium Of Metal Vol. 15" [CD]2022 - Blackened Heavy/Doom from Malta | Hard Rock/Heavy/Doom from United Kingdom |
ALITOR "Eternal Depression" [CD]Progressive Thrash from Serbia |
AMPYRE "Ampyre" [CD]2022 - Melodic/Progressive Hard Rock from Germany |
ANAEL "On Wings Of Mercury" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Germany |
ANATOMY "The Witches Of Dathomir" [CD]2016 - Black/Death Metal from Italy |
ANCIENT CRYPTS "Inhaling The Fumes Of A Burning Carcass" [CASSETTE]2020 - Death Metal from Chile |
ANCIENT DEATH "Sacred Vessel" [CD]2022 - Black/Thrash from Ecuador |
ANCIENT GREASE "Women And Children First" [CD]1970 - Progressive Rock from United States |
ANOREXIA NERVOSA "Drudenhaus" [CD]2020 - Death/Symphonic Black Metal from France |
ANOREXIA NERVOSA "Sodomizing The Archedangel" [12" MLP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Death/Symphonic Black Metal from France |
ASCENDED DEAD "Evenfall Of The Apocalypse" [CD]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
AT THE GATES "Terminal Spirit Disease" [CD]Melodic Death/Gothenburg from Sweden
ATHEIST "Jupiter" [CASSETTE]2015 - Death/Thrash w/ Progressive Influences from United States |
ATTICK DEMONS "Back To The Attick Live" [MCD]2017 - Heavy/Power from Portugal |
AUTOPSY "Tourniquets, Hacksaws And Graves" [CD, Slipcase]Death Metal from United States
BAALBERITH "Drightenlands / Storming Through The Gate Of Knowledge" [CD]2014 - Black Metal from Australia |
BATTLERAGE "Dreams In Darkness" [CD]2018 - Traditional Heavy Metal from Chile |
BEDSORE / MORTAL INCARNATION "Split" [12" LP, Black/White/Silver Vinyl]2022 - Death Metal from Italy | Death Metal from Japan |
BEHEMOTH "Opvs Contra Natvram" [12" LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Black (early)/Black/Death (now) from Poland |
BEHEMOTH "Thelema.6" [12" LP]Black (early)/Black/Death Metal from Poland |
BLACK BLOOD INVOCATION "Black Blood Invocation" [12" MLP]2017 - Black/Death Metal from Greece |
BLACK SHEPHERD "Immortal Aggression" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Thrash from Belgium |
BLACK SHEPHERD "United Evil Forces" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Thrash from Belgium |
BLEED "Somebody's Closer" [12" LP, Splatter Vinyl]2022 - Rock from United States |
BLOOD "Christbait" [12" LP +Outer Cover, Black Vinyl] *MINOR DAMAGE*2024 - Death/Grind from Germany |
BLOOD "Impulse To Destroy" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Death/Grind from Germany |
BLOOD "O Agios Pethane" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2024 - Death/Grind from Germany |
BLOOD STAR "First Sighting" [CASSETTE]2023 - Heavy Metal from United States
BLOOD STAR "First Sighting" [CD]2023 - Heavy Metal from United States
CARCASS "Torn Arteries" [CASSETTE]2022 - Goregrind/Grind, Melodic Death Metal from United Kingdom |
CARCINOID "Encomium To Extinction" [CD]2023 - Doom/Death Metal from Australia |
CARDIAC NOOSE "Girl Named Misery" [CD]2013 - Heavy Metal from United States |
CLAYMOREAN "Eulogy Of The Gods" [LP, Black]2022 - Epic Power from Serbia |
CONDENADOS "The Tree Of Death" [CD]2017 - Doom from Chile
COSMIC VOID RITUAL "Grotesque Infections Of Interplanetary Divide" [12" MLP]2018 - Death Metal from United States |
CRADLE OF FILTH "Existence In Futile" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Gothic (early), Extreme Gothic (now) from United Kingdom |
CREMATION "Retaliation" [CD]2016 - Black Death Metal from Canada |
CRONE "Crone" [CD, Digipak]2014 - Rock from Germany |
CYNABARE URNE "In The Cremation Ground" [12" MLP]2018 - Death Metal from Finland |
DAEVA "Through Sheer Will And Black Magic" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Thrash from United States |
DARKTHRONE "Astral Fortress" [12" LP]2022 - Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy (later) from Norway |
DARKTHRONE "Ravishing Grimness" [12" LP]Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy Metal (later) from Norway |
DARKTHRONE "Soulside Journey" [12" LP]Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy Metal (later) from Norway |
DARKTHRONE "The Cult Is Alive" [12" LP, Gatefold]Death (early), Black (mid), Punk/Black/Heavy Metal from Norway |
DEAD HILLS "Ouroboric" [CD]2015 - Black Metal from Australia |
DEMONIZED "Abyss Vanguard" [MCD]2023 - Black/Death Metal from Mexico |
DETONATION "Reprisal" [CD]2011 - Death/Thrash from Netherlands |
DEVILS POISON "Power Of Darkness" [CD]2021 - Blackened Speed from Chile |
DEVILS WHOREHOUSE "Revelation Unorthodox" [12" Picture LP]2003 - Horror Punk/Heavy Metal from Sweden |
DISMEMBER "Dismember" [12" LP, Gold Marbled Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from Sweden |
DODHEIMSGARD "Monumental Possession" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black, Avant-Garde/Industrial from Norway |
DREAM UNENDING "Song Of Salvation" [CASSETTE]2022 - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal from International |
DREAM UNENDING "Song Of Salvation" [CD, Digipak]2022 - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal from International |
EARTHSHINE "Doomed To Wander And Never Die" [CD, Digipak]2016 - Doom from Australia |
EERO KOIVISTOINEN "Muusa Ja Ruusa" [CD, Digipak]1971 - Jazz from Finland |
EMPEROR "Fire And Demise: Into The Infinity Of Darkness" [14-CASSETTE Box Set]2022 - Symphonic Black Metal from Norway |
ENTRAILS "Raging Death" [CD]Death Metal from Sweden
EOSPHOROS "Eosphoros" [12" LP, Gatefold]2018 - Black Metal from United States |
EQUINOX "Journey Into Oblivion" [12" LP]2024 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
| |
EQUINOX "Journey Into Oblivion" [CD]2024 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
EQUINOX "Return To Mystery" [CD]2024 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
ETHEREAL MIST "Wandering Through The Void" [CD]2015 - Dark Ambient/Dungeon Synth from Australia |
EXHUMED "To The Dead" [12" LP, Oxblood Red Vinyl]2022 - Death/Grind from United States |
EXIMPERITUS "Projecting The Singular Emission Of The Doctrine Of Absolute And All-Absorbing Evil" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2018 - Brutal/Technical Death Metal from Belarus |
FINGERNAILS "The Last Scratch (40Th Anniversary)" [CD]2022 - Thrash from Italy |
FLESHLESS "Doomed" [LP, Black]2018 - Death/Grind from Czech Republic |
FOREST OF IMPALED "Forward The Spears" [CD]Black/Death Metal from United States |
FURBOWL "Those Shredded Dreams" [CD]2023 - Death 'n Roll/Death Metal from Sweden |
GOAT DISCIPLE "Wolfcult Domination" [12" MLP]2018 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
GORELUST "We Are The Undead" [CASSETTE]2016 - Brutal Death Metal from Canada |
GRAVESEND "Gowanus Death Stomp" [CD]2022 - Black/Grindcore from United States |
GRAVESEND "Methods Of Human Disposal" [12" LP, Green/Black/Bone/Brown Splatter Vinyl]2022 - Black/Grindcore from United States |
GRAVEYARD GHOUL "The Living Cemetery" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2014 - Death Metal from Germany |
GRIMOIRE DE OCCULTE "Wisdom Of The Dead" [CD]2018 - Drone/Ambient/Death/Doom from Germany |
GWAR "The Blood Of The Gods" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2017 - Heavy/Punk/Hard Rock from United States |
HELLFIRE DEATHCULT "Ave Mors" [12" LP]2014 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
HEXVESSEL "No Holier Temple" [12" 2-LP, Yellow Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Psychedelic Neofolk from Finland |
HEXVESSEL "No Holier Temple" [CD, Digipak]2021 - Psychedelic Neofolk from Finland |
HOLMGANG "Domt Til Doden" [CD, Digipak]2017 - Black Metal from Denmark |
HYPOCRISY "Into The Abyss (Remaster 2023)" [12" LP, Orange Vinyl, Gatefold]2023 - Death, Melodic Death Metal from Sweden |
I AM THE VOID "I Am The Void" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Germany |
IMMOLATION "Acts Of God" [12" LP, Bone/Beer w/ Violet Splatter Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
IN MOURNING "Afterglow" [12" 2-LP]2022 - Gothic/Progressive/Melodic Death Metal from Sweden |
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IN MOURNING "Monolith" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2020 - Gothic/Progressive/Melodic Death Metal from Sweden |
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INQUISICAO "Reborn" [CD]2010 - Heavy/Speed from Brazil |
INTERMENT "Life Here After" [MCD]1990 - Death Metal from Sweden |
ISENGARD "Hostmorke" [12" LP]Folk Black Metal from Norway |
ISENGARD "Spectres Over Gorgoroth" [12" LP]2022 - Folk Black Metal from Norway |
ISENGARD "Vandreren" [12" LP]2022 - Folk Black Metal from Norway |
ITERU "Ars Moriendi" [12" LP]2018 - Black/Doom/Death Metal from Belgium |
JUDAS PRIEST "Screaming For Vengeance" [T-Shirt]Heavy/Speed Metal from United Kingdom
| |
JUPU GROUP / JUKKA LINKOLA OCTET "Jazz Liisa 5 & 6" [CD]2016 - Rock from FInland | Rock from FInland |
KHEMMIS "Desolation" [CD, Digipak]2022 - Doom/Stoner/Sludge from United States |
KING BIRD "Sunshine" [CD]2008 - Hard Rock from Brazil |
KING DIAMOND "Songs For The Dead" [BLURAY]2018 - Heavy Metal from Denmark |
KOMMAND "Death Age" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Death Metal from United States |
KOMMAND "Death Age" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
KOMMAND "Death Age" [CD]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
KREATOR "Gods Of Violence (Raven Music)" [CD]2017 - Thrash from Germany |
KREATOR "Violent Revolution" [CASSETTE]2022 - Thrash from Germany |
KRIEG "The Church" [MCD]Black Metal from United States |
KULT "Unleashed From Dismal Light" [CD]Black Metal from Italy |
LOST BOOTS "Come Cold, Come Wind" [MCD, Digipak]2016 - Rock from Finland |
LOTH "Loth" [CD]2016 - Atmospheric Black Metal from France |
LUNAR CHAMBER "Shambhallic Vibrations" [12" MLP, Violet Vinyl]2023 - Progressive Death/Doom from United States |
LUNAR CHAMBER "Shambhallic Vibrations" [CASSETTE]2022 - Progressive Death/Doom from United States |
LUNAR CHAMBER "Shambhallic Vibrations" [CD]2022 - Progressive Death/Doom from United States |
MAJESTIES "Vast Reaches Unclaimed" [12" LP, Black/Blood Red Vinyl]2023 - Melodic Death Metal from United States |
MAJESTIES "Vast Reaches Unclaimed" [CASSETTE]2022 - Melodic Death Metal from United States |
MALUM / LATHSPELL "Luciferian Nightfall" [12" LP]2018 - Black Metal from Finland | Black Metal from Finland |
MANEGARM "Dodsfard" [12" LP, Gatefold]2003 - Viking from Sweden |
MANEGARM "Havets Vargar" [12" LP, Gatefold]2000 - Viking from Sweden |
MANEGARM "Urminnes Havd: The Forest Sessions" [12" LP, Gatefold]2006 - Viking from Sweden |
MANEGARM "Vargstenen" [12" LP, Gatefold]2007 - Viking from Sweden |
MANEGARM "Vredens Tid" [12" LP, Gatefold]2005 - Viking from Sweden |
MANILLA ROAD "Open The Gates" [T-Shirt]Epic Heavy/Power Metal from United States |
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MANILLA ROAD "Out Of The Abyss" [T-Shirt]Epic Heavy/Power Metal from United States |
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MARA "Seidr" [CD]2015 - Black Metal from Sweden |
MARS ON EARTH "Mars On Earth" [MCD]2001 - Industrial Symphonic Black Metal from Germany |
MASS "Back To The Music" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2021 - Heavy/Hard Rock from United States |
MAYHEM "Chimera" [CASSETTE]2015 - Black/Post-Black Metal from Norway |
MAYHEM "Grand Declaration Of War (2018 Remix)" [CD]2018 - Black/Post-Black Metal from Norway |
MAYHEM "Pure Fucking Armageddon" [12" 6-LP Box Set]2022 - Black/Post-Black Metal from Norway |
MEGATHERION "Megatherion" [12" MLP, Red Vinyl]2022 - Black/Thrash from Germany |
MENEGROTH "Das Rote Werk" [CD, Digipak]2012 - Black Metal from Switzerland |
MEPHORASH "Sfaira Tis Fotias" [12" MLP]2015 - Black Metal from Sweden |
METALMORPHOSE "Furia Dos Elementos" [CD]2016 - Heavy Metal from Brazil |
METALMORPHOSE "Maquina Dos Sentidos" [CD]2012 - Heavy Metal from Brazil |
MINENWERFER "Kriegserklarung" [CD]2022 - Black Metal from United States |
MORBID CRUELTY "Holodomor" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Chile |
MORTIIS "Blood And Thunder (Gold Shell)" [CASSETTE, Slipcase]2022 - Ambient/Darkwave (early), Industrial Rock (later), Dungeon Synth from Norway |
MORTIIS "Keiser Av En Dimensjon Ukjent (Yellow Shell)" [CASSETTE, Slipcase]2022 - Ambient/Darkwave (early), Industrial Rock (later), Dungeon Synth from Norway |
MORTIIS "The Shadow Of The Tower (Silver Shell)" [CASSETTE, Slipcase]2022 - Ambient/Darkwave (early), Industrial Rock (later), Dungeon Synth from Norway |
MORTIIS "The Song Of A Long Forgotten Ghost (White Shell)" [CASSETTE, Slipcase]2022 - Ambient/Darkwave (early), Industrial Rock (later), Dungeon Synth from Norway |
MOTORHEAD "Motorhead" [T-Shirt]Heavy/Speed Metal from United Kingdom
| |
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION "The Exuviae Of Gods Part 1" [12" LP, Oxblood/Gold/Black Vinyl]2022 - Funeral Doom from Australia |
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION "The Exuviae Of Gods Part 2" [CD]2023 - Funeral Doom from Australia |
MOURNFUL CONGREGATION "The Exuviae Of Gods Pt 2" [12" LP, Gold/Cyan/Black Vinyl]2023 - Funeral Doom from Australia |
MURDER CORPORATION "Murder Corporation" [CD]1999 - Brutal Death Metal from Sweden |
MX "Re-Lapse" [CD]2014 - Thrash (old), Groove/Thrash (new) from Brazil |
NECROBLOOD / PSYCHOMORPHIS "The Lurking Horror / Amorphous Chaos" [12" LP]2018 - Black/Death Metal from France | Death Metal from Denmark |
NECRODEATH "Old Skull" [CASSETTE]2015 - Black/Death/Thrash from Italy |
NECRONOMICON "The Demos" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Thrash from Germany |
NIGHTMARE LODGE "Blind Miniatures" [CD]Dark Ambient from United States |
NIGROMANCIA "Hidden Rituals" [CD]2021 - Death/Thrash from Chile |
ODOUR OF DEATH "In Search Of Eternal Darkness" [CD, Digipak]2017 - Black Metal from United Kingdom |
OLD BURIAL TEMPLE "Inner Temple Mutilation" [CD, Digipak]1989 - Darkwave from Australia |
ORIGIN "Chaosmos" [12" LP, Gatefold]2022 - Technical Brutal Death Metal from United States |
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OXBLOOD "Oi! Nyc Skins" [12" LP +Zine, Black Vinyl]2024 - Hardcore/Punk from United States |
PARADISE LOST "The Anatomy Of Melancholy" [CASSETTE]2022 - Doom/Death (old), Gothic Rock/Metal (new) from United Kingdom |
PERMAFROST "Spiritual Isolation" [CD]2015 - Black Metal from Germany |
PLAGUESTORM "Eternal Throne" [12" MLP]2018 - Black/Death/Speed from Sweden |
PLEURISY "Experience The Sacrilege" [CD]2016 - Death Metal from Netherlands |
POWERWOLF "Return In Bloodred" [12" LP]2005 - Power from Germany |
PROFANITY "Slaughtering Thoughts" [CASSETTE]2019 - Death/Technical Death Metal from Germany |
PUTRID EVOCATION "Eternal Gloom: A Void Of Agony And Repugnancy" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death Metal from Chile |
PUTRID EVOCATION "Eternal Gloom: A Void Of Agony And Repugnancy" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Chile |
QUEENSRYCHE "Condition Human" [CASSETTE]2022 - Heavy/Power/Progressive from United States |
QUEENSRYCHE "The Verdict" [CASSETTE]2022 - Heavy/Power/Progressive from United States |
RAVENSIRE "A Stone Engraved In Red" [LP]2019 - Heavy Metal from Portugal |
REVENGE "Trust In Metal" [CD]2020 - Speed/Heavy Metal from Colombia |
REVEREND BIZARRE "Heavier Than Life" [CASSETTE Box Set]2022 - Doom from Finland |
ROOT "Heritage Of Satan" [12" LP, Brown Vinyl, Gatefold]2011 - Black, Dark Epic Heavy Metal from Czech Republic |
RUIN LUST "Disstimulant" [12" LP, Black/White Galaxy Vinyl]2023 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
RUIN LUST "Disstimulant" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
RUIN LUST "Disstimulant" [CD]2022 - Black/Death Metal from United States |
SAD WHISPERINGS "Return To Autumn" [CD]2024 - Death/Doom from Netherlands |
SARCOFAGO "The Worst (Green Shell)" [CASSETTE]2018 - Black/Thrash/Death Metal from Brazil
SARCOFAGO "The Worst (Red Shell)" [CASSETTE]2018 - Black/Thrash/Death Metal from Brazil
SERPENT RITUAL "Nexus Diaboli" [12" MLP]2016 - Death/Black Metal from Italy |
SHINING "Ii/ Livets Andhallplats" [12" LP, Clear/Black Marbled Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Black Metal from Sweden |
SHINING "III: Angst "Sjalvdestruktivitetens Emissarie" [CD]Black Metal from Norway |
SIGH "Eastern Darkness" [2-CD]2022 - Black (early), Post-Black/Avant-Garde (now) from Japan |
SIGH "Shiki" [12" LP]2022 - Black (early), Post-Black/Avant-Garde (now) from Japan |
SIGH "Shiki" [CD]2022 - Black (early), Post-Black/Avant-Garde (now) from Japan |
SKELETON "Skeleton" [12" LP, Cloudy Beer Vinyl]2022 - Hardcore/Punk/Black/Death/Thrash from United States |
SORCERER "Lamenting Of The Innocent" [CD, Digipak]2020 - Epic Doom from Sweden |
SORCIER DES GLACES "North" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from Canada |
SORCIER DES GLACES "North" [CD]2023 - Black Metal from Canada |
SORCIER DES GLACES "Ritual Of The End" [12" LP, Black Vinyl]2023 - Black Metal from Canada |
SPASM "Mystery Of Obsession" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Peru |
SPIRITUAL BEGGARS "Spiritual Beggars" [12" 3-LP, Black Vinyl, Gatefold]2022 - Hard Rock/Stoner/Doom from Sweden |
SPIRITUS MORTIS "The Great Seal" [CD]2022 - Doom/Heavy Metal from Finland |
SUFFERING SIGHTS "When Sanity Becomes Insanity" [CD]2021 - Death Metal from Chile |
SUFFOCATION "Live In North America" [CASSETTE]2022 - Brutal Technical Death Metal from United States |
SUFFOCATION "Of The Dark Light (Teal Shell)" [CASSETTE]2022 - Brutal Technical Death Metal from United States |
SUFFOCATION "Pinnacle Of Bedlam" [CASSETTE]2014 - Brutal Technical Death Metal from United States |
SWALLOW THE SUN "When A Shadow Is Forced Into The Light" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2022 - Melodic Doom/Death Metal from Finland |
| |
TARANIS "Postmortem Spheres" [CD]2023 - Black/Thrash from Belgium |
TERRORIZER "Hordes Of Zombies" [12" LP, Blue Vinyl, Gatefold]2021 - Grind/Death Metal from United States |
TESTAMENT "Titans Of Creation (Blue Shell)" [CASSETTE]2022 - Thrash from United States |
THE BLACK "Black Blood" [MCD]2021 - |
THE THIRD EYE RAPISTS "Hets Mot Allt" [12" LP]2014 - Black/Death Metal from Sweden |
THROAAT "The Light & Evil Dead" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2015 - Speed/Thrash/Black Metal from United States |
TOMB MOLD "Manor Of Infinite Forms" [12" LP, Orange/White/Black Vinyl]2022 - Death Metal from Canada |
TOMB MOLD "The Enduring Spirit" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death Metal from Canada |
TORTURE RACK "Primeval Onslaught" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death Metal from United States |
TRIBUNAL "The Weight Of Remembrance" [CASSETTE]2022 - Gothic/Doom from Canada |
TRIBUNAL "The Weight Of Remembrance" [CD]2023 - Gothic/Doom from Canada |
ULTHAR "Anthronomicon" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Death/Crust from United States |
ULTHAR "Anthronomicon" [CD]2023 - Black/Death/Crust from United States |
ULTHAR "Helionomicon" [12" LP, Purple/White Vinyl]2023 - Black/Death/Crust from United States |
ULTHAR "Helionomicon" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black/Death/Crust from United States |
ULTHAR "Helionomicon" [CD]2022 - Black/Death/Crust from United States |
UNDERWATER SLEEPING SOCIETY "Instrumental Healthcare" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2014 - Pop from Finland |
| |
VAMPIRE "Rex" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death/Thrash from Sweden |
VAMPIRE "With Primeval Force" [CASSETTE]2022 - Death/Thrash from Sweden |
VARATHRON "Abyssic Black Cult" [Scarf, Black]2024 - Black Metal from Greece |
VARATHRON "Abyssic Black Cult" [Scarf, Red]2024 - Black Metal from Greece
VARDAN "...Dreaming ...Living My Funeral" [CD]Black Metal from Italy |
VASAELETH "All Uproarious Darkness" [CD]Death Metal from United States
VENOMWOLF "Stormriding Power" [CD]2018 - Black/Speed/Punk from United Kingdom |
VHS "We'Re Gonna Need Some Bigger Riffs" [CD]2019 - Death/Thrash/Grindcore from Canada |
VOIDCEREMONY "Threads Of Unknowing" [CD]2023 - Progressive Death/Black Metal from United States |
VOODUS "Into The Wild" [12" 2-LP, Gatefold]2018 - Black Metal from Sweden |
WARNING "The Strength To Dream" [CASSETTE]2022 - Funeral Doom from United Kingdom |
WARNING "Watching From A Distance: Live At Roadburn" [CASSETTE]2022 - Funeral Doom from United Kingdom |
WATAIN "The Agony & Ecstasy Of Watain" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from Sweden |
WHIPSTRIKER / TERRORHAMMER / VULCAN TYRANT "Split" [7" EP, Black Vinyl]2022 - Heavy Metal from Brazil | Speed/Thrash from Serbia
WHITE SPIRIT "21 Grams" [PATCH, Textile]2012 - Heavy/NWOBHM from United Kingdom |
WILD SHADOW "Bound To Be Free: Demos Anthology 86-90" [CD]2015 - Heavy Metal from Portugal |
WODE "Wode" [12" LP, Green/Black Vinyl]2022 - Black Metal from United Kingdom |
WORM "Bluenothing" [CASSETTE]2022 - Black Metal from United States |
ZAUM "Eidolon" [CD]2016 - Doom from Canada |