SAVAGE MASTER - Those Who Hunt At Night BULLDOZER - The Final Separation
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Stoner/Doom Metal from Sweden
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : I Hate
More From : OCEAN CHIEF products

Detailed Description
Active since 2001, Ocean Chief is known in the doom undergroundfor creating huge epics - rarely do the songs stay under 10 minutesand often they're twice as long.

Sten (Swedish word for "stone") is the band's fourth full-lengthalbum and rst done in collaboration with I HATE.

It introduces a permanent keyboardist, and the songwriting hasbecome more re ned and varied, with a bigger emphasis placed onmelodies. The four gargantuan tracks are hard and heavy as thebedrock but moments of respite are generously allowed along theway. Think of every song as a journey and take your time with Sten. Ifyou do, you'll end up with your forehead pressed against the groundat certain times, and soaring high above the earth at others.We are con dent that the strong qualities of Sten will push OceanChief to the next level and bring the band a lot of well-deservedrecognition and acclaim.

Ocean Chief's approach to doom metal should pique the curiosity offans of YOB, Sleep, Kongh and Ufomammut.

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Sweden | Stoner/Doom
$12.99 - $16.99
 I Hate $6.99 - $89.99