POUNDER - Thunderforged DESTRUCTOR - Blood, Bone And Fire
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Thrash from Brazil
Stock:  Yes
Record Label : Doomentia
More From : NECRONOMICON BEAST products
Detailed Description
One could say that even before famed illustrator and now longtime ally of DOOMENTIA Mark Riddick introduced us to NECRONOMICON BEAST, for whom he designed the blistering cover of 'Sowers Of Discord', they were due to end up on the label anyway. Thrash metal the evil way is the name of the game here and the screaming chorus that goes like "Ave Sathanaaaaaas!" of the opening track "Antichriste" should tell you all you need to know about this Jundiai in the Sao Paulo suburbs-based lot. Except that whereas one might have expected another black/thrash band with punk leanings, this power-trio proves with a fist that they just don't play to the same category and don't really fit with the overall chaotic sound of the Brazilian scene.

Maybe fuelled by their various experiences in different fields of the vast metal sphere - heavy-metal with WYTCHKRAFT, doom/death with MORIENDI, folk/metal with FOLKLORD etc. - they've settled for a music that has a much tighter, American-like type of sound yet without loosing a drop of their blasphemous elements, even daring on a regular basis to go beyond the five minutes mark. So think of an early AT WAR or BULLDOZER with a modern production that would have decided to get his membership card at the Satanic Church and go on a killing spree in the nearest liquor store!

After a series of demos and limited releases on selected format such as tapes, 'Sowers Of Discord' represents band's second proper full-length after fourteen years (!) of existence, their first 'real' release since the 2004's debut album 'Hell Thrash War' and their first recording featuring new member Warhammer, on bass. But it's also first and foremost a great proof than in 2013, with songtitles like "Warfield" or "World Assured Destruction" thrash is alive and well and still obsessed with cruelty!
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Brazil | Thrash
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